No one likes to think about dying or becoming incapable of decision-making. And while it’s important not to dwell on such things, it’s almost important to be prepared in the event that they do happen. 

Unfortunately, dying without a will creates additional hurdles for your loved ones to overcome after your death. The probate process becomes more complicated and expensive when there is no will. So we certainly recommend that everyone, regardless of age, have a will.
In addition to will preparation, we offer other services that provide our clients with tremendous peace of mind. We recommend that everyone have all or a combination of the following documents, which we can combine in a “will package”:
  • Will, which enables you to define the way in which you want your assets distributed upon your death
  • Durable power of attorney so that someone can stand in for you and make decisions related to your property and certain other transactions in the event of your incapacity
  • Medical power of attorney so that someone can stand in for you and make medical decisions for you in the event of your incapacity
  • Living will/directive to physicians, which indicates what sort of life-saving measures you would want undertaken in the event of terminal illness or in the event of certain types of severe incapacity
  • Designations of guardian for you or your children
  • HIPAA release so that certain individuals can access your medical records if a need arises.