The Texas Family Code contains child support guidelines, which are typically followed unless there are special circumstances that warrant a deviation from the guidelines.

Child support is based on the paying party’s net resources. The only things that can be deducted to arrive at a party’s net income for child support purposes are:
  • federal income taxes for one person with one personal deduction plus the standard deduction;
  • social security withholdings;
  • the amount paid for the child’s health insurance.
Once the net income is calculated, the following percentages apply to the first $8,550.00 of the paying party’s net income to arrive at the child support amount:
  • 20% for one child
  • 25% for two children
  • 30% for three children
  • 35% for four children
  • 40% for five children
  • Not less than 40% for six or more children
These percentages will be smaller if the paying party has another child to support who is not part of the current suit.